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Titanium Android - Share one Menu overall Windows

I'd like to know if there is a nice way to create a NavGroup, like on iOS, to share one menu overall windows.

Let's say I have several windows which lead to other windows like this:

  • Index
    • Places
      • Place 1
      • Place 2
      • Place 3...
    • Galerie
      • Galerie 1
        • Picture
    • Options
      • Option 1
      • Option 2

Everything above is a new window.

Now I want to navigate from Option 2, back to Places, from Picture to Options and vice versa, etc. Everything done over the Android Menu.

Do I need to attach the menu on the activity of every Window? Or is there a nicer way?


  • Are you using the ActionBar? I've never used Titanium but this sounds like what you are talking about. you can create a dropdown menu that stays with all windows/fragments sortof like the G+ app.

    Drop Down Menu on Action bar!/api/Titanium.Android.ActionBar