This may be a little different from most questions, because it deals with Game Maker Language.
What my program does:
Downloads an HTML page
Reads the page into a variable
Reads text in the first of a specific HTML tag
The last part is my problem. Under the first tag <h3><a HREF="dynamic content">TEXT HERE</a></h3>
is the text I need to retrieve. Now, there are many of those lines in the document, I must get the first one. Also, one problem is that the HREF content does change every time this site is updated (Why I put 'dynamic content' there).
How do I process the variable to eliminate all text around the h3 tags, and how do I get the text data into its own variable without any clutter?
This is complicated in GML, I know. Much thanks to anyone who knows how to do this!
With the code function here, I have finally fixed my own problem. Hopefully this helps someone, sometime.
//Variable to store original file data
working = argument0
//Isolate string to h3 hyperlink
position = string_pos("<h3><a>",working)
working = string_delete(working,1,position)
//Delete all content after the version number
position = string_pos("</a></h3>",working)
working = string_delete(working,position, string_length(working) )
return working