While implementing xterm-256-colors in ConEmu I have discovered some unknown for me Escape sequences (used by Vim) like
Esc | 7 m
Esc | 15 m
Esc | 112 m
From Vim sources I realize that these codes are used for changing bold or inverse attributes, but I can't find any docs about them.
Are there any specifications for Esc | N m
sequences? They were not mentioned here.
I believe these are internal vim codes for internal processing only: first set of \033|
is labeled
* GUI pseudo term-cap.
and AFAIR is processed in gui.c
or gui_*.c
, second set is labeled
* These codes are valid for the pc video. The entries that start with ESC |
* are translated into conio calls in os_msdos.c. Default for MSDOS.
third set is labeled
* These codes are valid for the Win32 Console . The entries that start with
* ESC | are translated into console calls in os_win32.c. The function keys
* are also translated in os_win32.c.
(I am talking about builtin_termcaps
array). Further mentions: only in update_tcap
function, there are no direct references that these are processed by some other function, but it is unlikely that it is something else (not familiar with pseudo-termcap processing code). Except for term.c
it is only seen directly (i.e. grep finds \033|
) in screen.c
(twice) and gui.c
And, by the way, I failed to see this code in output of vim launched in logging screen session using env TERM=xterm vim {args}