How to find relationships for relationships with Eloquent ORM? Currently I have something like this. Simple relationship. I can find Image and it's photographer. Now I need to do something more complex, I need to find also photographers tags.
dump looks like this
object(Image) {
["attributes"] => [],
["relationships"] =>
["photographer"] =>
["attributes"] => [],
["relationships"] =>
But I need to add tags relationship so It would look like this
object(Image) {
["attributes"] => [],
["relationships"] =>
["photographer"] =>
["attributes"] => [],
["relationships"] =>
["tags"] =>
["attributes"] => [],
["relationships"] =>
How is that possible?
/Image model
public function photographer()
return $this->belongs_to('Photographer');
public function tags()
return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('Tag', 'tag_relationships');
$images = Image::with(['photographer'])->order_by('updated_at', 'desc')->get();
you just use laravel's dot syntax:
Image::with(['photographer', 'photographer.tags', 'photographer.tags.categories]) ....