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MediaPlayer sound gets interrupted by animation

I want to play a sound while animating a view.

I'm playing the sound with MediaPlayer, and the sound gets interrupted when I play the animation (when I say interrupted, I mean stops as soon as the animation starts).

This happens for both property animations (done using nineoldandroids lib) and also for sequence animation (frame by frame).

The sound code:

MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context , rawSoundFileId);

            if (mp == null) {

            mp.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {

                public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {

            if (mp != null) {

I also tried moving the sound to a separate thread, and this still happens.

any ideas for resolving this?


  • As it turns out, is is recommended to use SoundPool to play short sounds. If I load the sounds to the pool in advance, the animation does not interrupt the sound anymore.