can I detect wheather madexcept is used inside an delphi application by analyzing the exe file only ?
Is there a simple way by adding a few lines of code to my application and inform the final exe file user if madshi madexcept has been used or not
If you use madexcept
with a Delphi application, there should be a resource entry: MAD->EXCEPT
in that executable.
To test an external application:
h := LoadLibraryEx('c:\foo\bar.exe', 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if h <> 0 then
if FindResource(h, 'EXCEPT', 'MAD') <> 0 then
ShowMessage('madexcept Found!');
To test inside your own application:
if FindResource(HInstance, 'EXCEPT', 'MAD') <> 0 then
ShowMessage('madexcept Found!');
Note that whis however will NOT tell you what options madexcept
uses. for example there could be an exception filter set to filter access violation exceptions, or a setting that will NOT check frozen threads etc...