I looking for setup a multi-environment project using Laravel3 but I dont understand the command to set the environment.
I see here: http://laravel.com/docs/artisan/commands The command is:
php artisan foo --env=local
I already used artisan and bob with success, what I can't undertand the foo, I try to change to my project name but always the same output: "Sorry, I can't find that task."
If I try: php artisan --env=local
That will return: "You forgot to provide the task name."
Anybody can help? Thanks for your time.
[edit] With the answers now I can understand better and improve my question:
I have a project with those folders created: http://d.pr/i/5nZS With that in mind, I need to set my local env as development and production as production. So, I can do that with any variation of the command "php artisan --env=local" or I need to add on my public/.htaccess "SetEnv LARAVEL_ENV development"?
Thanks again.
Here, how I solved my question:
First I didn't need the command php artisan migrate --env=local
, I just need set on my virtualhost: SetEnv LARAVEL_ENV development
Second, as William Cahill-Manley say, I need to work on application/paths.php, the $environments. I've used it before but the wrong way. In my case, I solve with that:
$environments = array(
'development' => array('http://localhost/project*', '*project/*'),
'production' => array('http://project.com', 'http://*.project.com')
My problem was because my code before was like that:
$environments = array(
'development' => array('http://localhost/project*', '*project*'),
'production' => array('http://project.com', 'http://*.project.com')
And because the second element of development array, in the production server always will be in development.
Thats because the url on development be http://project/
and on production be http://project.com/
or http://user.project.com/
See, the project will force in all envonriments be development by the asterisk/wildcard.