I am trying to add the liquibase
tool into my development environment to manage database migrations. Given the feature set it looks very flexible and promising. My first obvious question is how I can export all the existing schema into individual files (tables, triggers, functions and stored procedures ). ?
Is there any tool/extension for liquibase to perform such task.
I have tried command line option liquibase generateChangelogs
, but unfortunately it generates single changelog file ( without stored objects -fun/pro/trig)
anything using bash/java/any linux standard xml processing command line tool is appreciable
Here is what I want to do : -Have xml templates for mysql function/stored procedure /trigger/table etc
query existing database for all tables/function triggers etc.. go through each and parse respective template and generate changelog file for each object
-- store each file in respective director under current location e.g
This is not possible, but you can generate the initial changelog with the command and then write a script that separates the objects. Afterwards just create a master changelog that includes the others.
Check my post on Liquibase ( http://scalabilitycookbook.com/2012/10/05/control-your-database-schema/ ) for details.