I need to take pairs of bytes in, and output shorts, and take shorts in and output pairs of bytes. Here are the functions i've devised for such a purpose:
static short ToShort(short byte1, short byte2)
short number = (short)byte2;
number <<= 4;
number += (short)byte1;
return number;
static void FromShort(short number, out byte byte1, out byte byte2)
byte byte2 = (byte)(number >> 4);
short tempByte = (short)byte2 << 4;
byte byte1 = (byte)(number - tempByte);
I think this is correct but i'm not sure. If this isn't the right way to do it, what is? is there a way to do this already in the framework?
Shorter version (also shifting 8 bits instead of 4):
static short ToShort(short byte1, short byte2)
return (byte2 << 8) + byte1;
static void FromShort(short number, out byte byte1, out byte byte2)
byte2 = (byte)(number >> 8);
byte1 = (byte)(number & 255);