I have a standard many-to-many relationship set up. Entity A can have many of Entity B, and vice versa.
I'm trying to get a list of all Entity A that do NOT have any corresponding Entity B. In SQL, I'd run a query like this:
SELECT a.* FROM entity_a a LEFT JOIN a_b r ON r.AID = a.id WHERE r.BID IS NULL
In this query, a_b is the linking table.
I'm trying to write a DQL statement (or use some other method) to get the same result, but the following does not work:
SELECT s FROM VendorMyBundle:EntityA s LEFT JOIN VendorMyOtherBundle:EntityB u WHERE u IS NULL
How can I achieve what I'm trying to do?
First, I have to underline that usually you should JOIN on the property of the entity (i.e. s), e.g. instead of:
SELECT s FROM VendorMyBundle:EntityA s
LEFT JOIN VendorMyOtherBundle:EntityB u WHERE u IS NULL
you should have something like:
SELECT s FROM VendorMyBundle:EntityA s
LEFT JOIN s.mylistofb u WHERE u IS NULL
where I'm supposing that in entity A you have defined your relationship as:
class A{
// ...
* @ManyToMany(targetEntity="Vendor\MyBundle\Entity\EntityB")
* @JoinTable(name="as_bs",
* joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="a_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
* inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="b_id", referencedColumnName="id", unique=true)}
* )
private $mylistofb;
This stated, if the query is not working yet, then try the following:
SELECT s FROM VendorMyBundle:EntityA s
WHERE SIZE(s.mylistofb) < 1
It is simplest than the previous and also comes from the official docs (i.e. see "phonenumbers example").