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The hello world of sprox with pyramid

I've tried to build the simplest possible form in Sprox using pyramid.

class Allocation:
    # some fields ...
class SproxForm(AddRecordForm):
    __model__ = Allocation

sprox_form = SproxForm(DBSession)

def sprox_form(request):
    return {'f':sprox_form,'kw':{}}

<div tal:content="structure f(kw)"/>

But it just prints out {'kw': {}, 'f': } The forms tutorial is written using TurboGears2 and I am unable to translate it to pyramid, because I am new to pyramid.

So could someone tell me what am I doing wrong, or show me a short (but complete) example, which uses pyramid?


  • Well your form is named sprox_form and your view is named sprox_form. This ambiguity is gonna be a bad idea. Other than that I can't see anything suspicious, assuming your chameleon syntax is correct. If you were using mako it'd be simply ${f(kw)} although instead of f I might suggest using the name widget or form, and instead of kw maybe value or form_input.