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Difference between tuples and frozensets in Python

I'm learning Python 3 using The Quick Python Book, where the author talks about frozensets, stating that since sets are mutable and hence unhashable, thereby becoming unfit for being dictionary keys, their frozen counterparts were introduced. Other than the obvious difference that a tuple is an ordered data structure while frozenset, or more generally a set, is unordered, are there any other differences between a tuple and a frozenset?


  • tuples are immutable lists, frozensets are immutable sets.

    tuples are indeed an ordered collection of objects, but they can contain duplicates and unhashable objects, and have slice functionality

    frozensets aren't indexed, but you have the functionality of sets - O(1) element lookups, and functionality such as unions and intersections. They also can't contain duplicates, like their mutable counterparts.