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Silent Printing with TideSDK

UPDATE: I've decided to use appjs for my project, rather than TideSDK. With AppJS, you are able to easily make node modules, in which you can add C++ modules for easy use of silent printing. I'd recommend anyone interested in the topic to check it out. Best of luck to you all!

I'm developing an application with TideSDK - It's a really awesome framework, if you haven't tried it, set some time aside!

Anyway, I'm attempting to print using Javascript, but a Print Settings dialog comes up each time, as it would with other browsers. I'm trying to eliminate that box as well as pass along the printer I would like it to print with.

I'm aware that there are settings in FireFox for silent printing, that is was I used previously, but there aren't any similar options for TideSDK (That I have found).

After a ton of research, I think the only viable options consist of a python script, a C++ module or editing the TideSDK source and recompiling. All three sound like loosers to me. Modifying the TideSDK source and removing the dialog box from webkit_ui_delegate.cpp will most likely result in some issues when updating this program down the road - in addition to not being able to pass the printer name easily. The python script would require third party modules and would have to process the contents of the page, I doubt I would be able to write something that could do a quality job in that respect. Finally, I think the C++ solution is the most feasible since it has access to win32api, but again, it would have to process HTML to a print language, something i'm not familiar with. I guess i'm looking for more of a webkit solution that handles the rendering for me.

What should I do to implement silent printing on TideSDK? Please include code examples.

I'm looking for a windows solution primarily, I've already figured out the other platforms.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate the feedback!


  • Sad to see this question didn't get any quality answers, this is something I wanted to implement myself.

    I think it would be quite a venture to invest the time required to get this feature working with TideSDK. Because of that, I'm going to stray away from the core competencies of the question and recommend that you try a framework other than TideSDK to accomplish this. I think that is the most realistic solution to this problem, and it will be the one that I take.

    I'll update this answer once I find the framework I'll be sticking with.