I have 2 separate cherrypy web apps I have written and need to put them both behind Apache with mod_rewrite or something similar. Need them to be accessed at http://domain.com/WebApp1 and http://domain.com/WebApp2. I figured out how to do a single virtual host so far, but it is only accessible at http://domain.com/. What would the correct configuration for Apache to get it to do this be? Should I be using something other than mod_rewrite?
You can avoid the usage of mod_rewrite if the two application are made with cherrypy.
Mount each application in the cherrypy tree like this:
import cherrypy
from webapp1 import WebApp1
from webapp2 import WebApp2
cherrypy.tree.mount(WebApp1, '/WebApp1')
cherrypy.tree.mount(WebApp2, '/WebApp2')
For example:
import cherrypy
class AppOne(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hi from app one!'
index.exposed = True
class AppTwo(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hi from app two!'
index.exposed = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
cherrypy.tree.mount(AppOne(), '/app1')
cherrypy.tree.mount(AppTwo(), '/app2')
import cherrypy
class AppOne(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hi from app one!'
index.exposed = True
class AppTwo(object):
def index(self):
return 'Hi from app two!'
index.exposed = True
class Root(object):
app1 = AppOne()
app2 = AppTwo()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# cherrypy.quickstart(Root()) # is the same
Another alternative is to use mod_proxy.