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Using IntelliJ to diff two arbitrary files

I'm really liking the IntelliJ diff tool. I'm wondering if it is possible to use this tool to diff two arbitrary files. I.e. files NOT in an IntelliJ project. Just pick two files in the file system and diff them? What about if I want to diff two strings? In my text editor, I'd just create two new documents, paste the text in and diff them, then not save the files when done. Is this possible?



  • Found this command line:

    on MacOSX: (IDEA EAP 11)

    /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ diff /Users/ben75/file1.txt /Users/ben75/file2.txt

    On MacOSX it can't run when IDEA (11) is open.

    on Windows: (IDEA EAP 12)

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 12.0\bin\idea.exe" diff C:\Users\ben75\file1.txt C:\Users\ben75\file2.txt

    It runs even if IDEA is already open.

    I have trouble when trying to compare files with no extensions (or extensions that don't match )

    Directly from IDEA (EAP 12)

    Not so easy, but it works...

    • File > Open... > select "file1.txt"
    • File > Open... > select "file2.txt"
    • Create a "Favorite list" and add both files to this favorite list. (to do this : ctrl+right-click on file name tab in the editor > add to favorite > select the favorite list just created - see screenshot)
    • Finally, open the "Favorites" view (Alt+2 or click on it on the left or your IDEA windows).
    • Select both files
    • Right click : "compare two files" (or ctrl+D)

    add to favorites