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While typing in a text input field, printing the content typed in a div

I have a website where there is a empty box and a input text box. I want to be able to type something in that input box and have it be printed on the empty box.


<div class='printchatbox'></div>

which is the empty box and

<input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput'>

which is the input box.


    {border-width:thick 10px;border-style: solid; 
    line-height: 2;color:#6E6A6B;font-size: 14pt;text-align:left;float: middle;
    border: 3px solid #969293;width:40%;}

If anyone could tell me how to do this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks


  • You use the onkeyup event

    Searching with ids is a lot easier. Add ids to your elements as follows:

    <div class='printchatbox' id='printchatbox'></div>
    <input type='text' name='fname' class='chatinput' id='chatinput'>


    const inputBox = document.getElementById('chatinput');
    const printBox = document.getElementById('printchatbox');
    inputBox.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
        printBox.innerHTML = inputBox.value;

    Here is a Live example