Search code examples

PHP version update from 4.4 to 5.3.6 broke site

Somehow when moving a site to a newer server, the php code broke. We did have it tested with a temporary site first, but it still broke.

All of the dynamic links for listings no longer work. I have a next button that does nothing except change the url. It still shows page 1 of 5 when you click next. I do know that something is right though, because at the top of this page, it gets the number of records and displays it from the database.

I've heard this code is old and that a new site is being made altogether, so all I need to do is fix the errors. I don't need to re-do the entire page, since it would be a waste of time. They will be scrapping it in the next couple months anyway.

I'm more of a .NET developer, so I'm not even really sure how to error check a PHP site. Here is the code that is broken and the function that defines those variables.

echo "<br>\n";
echo "<strong>";
if($page_num > 1) {
    $prev_page = $cur_page - 1;
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=list_records&sort_order=$org_sort_order&order_by=$order_by&cur_page=$prev_page$search_link\">&lt;&lt; Previous</A>\n";
if($page_num <  $total_num_page) {
    $next_page = $cur_page + 1;
    $last_page = $total_num_page - 1;
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=list_records&sort_order=$org_sort_order&order_by=$order_by&cur_page=$next_page$search_link\">Next &gt;&gt;</A>";
 echo "</strong>";

function list_records() {global $tbl_units, $tbl_members;
global $unit_array, $location_array;
global $default_sort_order, $default_order_by, $records_per_page;
global $sort_order, $order_by, $cur_page, $search_db, $search_txt, $search_link;
global $PHP_SELF;

$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $tbl_units 
                    INNER JOIN $tbl_members ON   $tbl_units.memberid = $tbl_members.username 
                    WHERE $tbl_members.status = 'Active' AND $tbl_units.status = 'Available' $search_db";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if(!$result) error_message(sql_error());

$query_data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$total_num_user = $query_data[0];
$page_num = $cur_page + 1;
$total_num_page = $last_page_num 
              = ceil($total_num_user/$records_per_page);

if($total_num_user > 0) {
    echo "<CENTER><H3>$total_num_user unit(s) found. ";
    echo "Displaying the page $page_num out of $last_page_num.</H3></CENTER>\n";
} else {
    echo "<CENTER><div class='vacancy'>No vacancies at this time!</div></CENTER>\n";

if(!empty($search_txt)) echo $search_txt;

if(empty($order_by)) {
    $order_by_str = "ORDER BY $default_order_by";
    $order_by = $default_order_by;
else $order_by_str = "ORDER BY $order_by";

if(empty($sort_order)) {
    $sort_order_str = $org_sort_order = $default_sort_order;
    $hold_order = $sort_order;
    $sort_order = 'DESC';
else {
    $sort_order_str = $org_sort_order = $sort_order;
    $hold_order = $sort_order;
    if($sort_order == 'DESC') $sort_order = 'ASC';
    else $sort_order = 'DESC';

if(empty($cur_page)) {
    $cur_page = 0;

$limit_str = "LIMIT ". $cur_page * $records_per_page . ", $records_per_page";
$query = "SELECT $tbl_units.* FROM $tbl_units 
                    INNER JOIN $tbl_members ON $tbl_units.memberid = $tbl_members.username 
                    WHERE $tbl_members.status = 'Active' AND $tbl_units.status = 'Available' $search_db 
                    $order_by_str $sort_order_str $limit_str";
$result = mysql_query($query);   
if(!$result) error_message(sql_error());

If someone can help me figure out how to get my links to work, I would really appreciate it! I've tried a couple things here and there, but I can't get the page to redirect to the next page of results.


  • To put this into terms you'd understand: This is like taking a .NET 1.0 site and slapping it into a .NET 4.5 environment. [probably worse]

    Some things that are breaking it:

    1. IIRC $PHP_SELF was deprecated long ago, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] should be equivalent, but should not be used like this unless you like XSS attacks.
    2. All those global variable declarations make me sad.
    3. Everything in #2 and the URLs being generated leads me to believe that this script was created with register_globals = On, which is horridly insecure and should be fixed. [it's Off by default since at least 5.0 and should never be turned on.] Use $_GET and/or $_POST superglobal arrays and validate your inputs.
    4. Aside from mysql_* functions being in the process of being deprecated, the way you're using them has you wide open to SQL injection. Parameterized queries with mysqli or PDO will help protect you from this.

    Fixing those issues, will make the page work, but really you should just have someone rewrite it from scratch. Even for PHP 4 this code makes me feel all barfy.