first of all the current state:
The goal is: inside the ResultController, get the current views html, manipulate its DOM (especially remove navigation elements) and generate a fully formatted pdf.
Following things work:
Create a fully css styled pdf from a URL
var document = new Doc();
return File(doc.GetData(), "application/pdf", "abc.pdf");
Create a pdf from a views html with manipulated DOM without the specific CSS3 formattings
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
// get html stream from view
var result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, "WizardFirstStep", "_Layout");
var context = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, result.View, ViewData, TempData, sw);
result.View.Render(context, sw);
var html = sw.ToString();
// manipulate DOM with HtmlAgilityPack
var hdoc = new HtmlDocument();
... manipulation
// create pdf and return FileContentResult
var doc = new Doc();
return File(doc.GetData(), "application/pdf", "abc.pdf");
So I can create a styled html site as pdf and i can create a manipulated non-styled html file as pdf.
AddImageUrl uses css
AddImageHtml doesn't use the css
I'll be glad about every approach and solution
I have a quick workaround for this problem. Instead of @Styles.Render the css relative with
I absolutely address the stylesheet
But maybe there are other solutions.
Since this is MVC and everything can be controlled through URL, I say load the document as a URL rather than an image.
This way ABCpdf loads the page the way you see it. Unless there are scripts and whatnot that control the view, then you'd need to configure the document for that.