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replay svn repo to bazaar

This post asks how to convert from bazaar to svn. I need to do the opposite. I need to extract all the commit history from a svn repo and "replay" it on a bazaar repo. I will then drop the svn development and continue on bazaar.

Any hints ?


Thanks for the answer. I ended up doing as follows:

1) Performing synchronization of the remote svn repo with the following script (adapted from here)


mkdir $REPO_PATH
svnadmin create $REPO_PATH
echo '#!/bin/sh' > $REPO_PATH/hooks/pre-revprop-change
chmod +x $REPO_PATH/hooks/pre-revprop-change
svnsync init $REPO_PATH_NUX $REPO_URL
svnsync sync $REPO_PATH_NUX 

2) dumped the synchronized local repository with svnadmin dump repo >dumpfile

3) ran svn2bzr dumpfile bzrrepo


  • See the Bazaar migration guide, especially converting from Subversion. Since you don't intend to continue development in the SVN repo, you can use the fastest option, bzr-fastimport.