This post asks how to convert from bazaar to svn. I need to do the opposite. I need to extract all the commit history from a svn repo and "replay" it on a bazaar repo. I will then drop the svn development and continue on bazaar.
Any hints ?
Thanks for the answer. I ended up doing as follows:
1) Performing synchronization of the remote svn repo with the following script (adapted from here)
mkdir $REPO_PATH
svnadmin create $REPO_PATH
echo '#!/bin/sh' > $REPO_PATH/hooks/pre-revprop-change
chmod +x $REPO_PATH/hooks/pre-revprop-change
svnsync init $REPO_PATH_NUX $REPO_URL
svnsync sync $REPO_PATH_NUX
2) dumped the synchronized local repository with svnadmin dump repo >dumpfile
3) ran svn2bzr dumpfile bzrrepo
See the Bazaar migration guide, especially converting from Subversion. Since you don't intend to continue development in the SVN repo, you can use the fastest option, bzr-fastimport