I am trying to print a dynamically downloaded image returned by cURL as shown :
char *raw_image = malloc(1024);
raw_image = doCurl("GET", img_url, NULL, NULL);
printf("Content-Type: image/png\n\n");
fwrite(raw_image, sizeof(raw_image), 20000, stdout);
If I do size smaller than 20000 - image gets cut. How can I make that number dynamic? I don't want to write to a file - stdout is the best option.
Any help is appreciated.
Ideally you need a way to know the size of the file (image) you are downloading.
Use libcurl to fetch the header first and get the size.
Let say you store size in s
When you alloc the buffer you shoud do
char *raw_image = malloc(s);
Because s is the size of the data you have to hold not 1024 bytes!
Download the file and store it in raw_image
fwrite(raw_image, 1, s, stdout);
Note that sizeof(raw_image) is the size of the pointer to your buffer, so 8 bytes in a 64bit hw architecture. It's not the size of the file!
You're fetching an image, and streming it on stdout.
Why don't you do a simple call to curl ?