I am trying to use meta programming and DCGs to turn a list into a list of clauses using Prolog. For example, I would like to turn [a, man, is, a, human] into [ (human(X) :- man(X)) ]
I figured that I could use =.. for composing terms from a list of their
constituent parts. For example, the call Term =.. [f,a,b,c]
will bind Term to f(a,b,c)
My problem is trying to combine this using DCGs. So far, I have used DCGs to check whether a sentence is of a valid form:
%% syllogism( +S )
% Holds if the sentence S is one of four syllogisms
% a B is a C
syllogism --> article, subject, is_, (article ; [] ), subject .
% some B is a C
syllogism --> some, subject, is_, (article ; [] ), subject .
% no B is a C
syllogism --> no, subject, is_, (article ; [] ), subject .
% some B is not a C
syllogism --> some, subject, is_, not, (article ; [] ), subject .
subject --> [X] .
some --> [some] .
is_ --> [is] .
article --> [a] .
article --> [every] .
not --> [not] .
no --> [no] .
However I am trying to modify this so that I can produce a list of clauses whilst still relying on DCGs.
EDIT: Basically what I am trying to achieve is take a list L and produce a list of clauses: [a, man, is, a, human] should produce [man(X) :- human(X)]
Similarly: [no, B, is, a, C] should produce [ (false :- B(X),C(X)) ]
Thanks for your time.
It looks like you are going to need a meta-interpreter http://ktiml.mff.cuni.cz/~bartak/prolog/meta_interpret.html
Ultimately all problems in Prolog come down to using the right kind of meta-interpreter.