Is there a way to force genfromtxt to output data with the shape : (xx, 1) in the case only one column of data is loaded? The usual shape is (xx, ). xx in my example could any integer.
update: here is an example of code:
import numpy as np
a = np.zeros([1000, 10])
nbcols = 1
for ind in range(0, 10, nbcols)
a[:, ind : ind + nbcols] = np.genfromtxt('file_1000x10.csv', usecols = range(nbcols))
this piece of code works only for nbcols >= 2; assuming nbcols is an integer c [1, 10]. is there a solution to make it work for nbcols = 1 without adding an if statement.
In fact I simplified too much the original code for this post, though that wouldn't affect the answers to my problem. In fact the filename is given through a variable as following:
filename = 'file_1000x10_' + '%02d' % ind.astype(int) + '.csv'
So at each iteration in the for loop, np.genfromtxt loads data from another file.
I think the trick is to reshape(-1, nbcols)
what you get from np.genfromtxt
, so your assignment should look like:
a[:, ind:ind + nbcols] = np.genfromtxt('file_1000x10.csv',
usecols = range(nbcols)).reshape(-1, nbcols)
On a separate note, looping over ind
, and reading the file every time is unnecessary. You can do a little bit of higher dimensionality voodoo as follows:
import numpy as np
from StringIO import StringIO
def make_data(rows, cols) :
data = ((str(k + cols * j) for k in xrange(cols)) for j in xrange(rows))
data = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(x), data))
return StringIO(data)
def read_data(f, rows, cols, nbcols) :
a = np.zeros((rows, (cols + nbcols - 1) // nbcols, nbcols))
a[...] = np.genfromtxt(f, usecols=range(nbcols)).reshape(-1, 1, nbcols)
return a.reshape(rows, -1)[:, :cols]
>>> read_data(make_data(3, 6), 3, 6, 2)
array([[ 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.],
[ 6., 7., 6., 7., 6., 7.],
[ 12., 13., 12., 13., 12., 13.]])
>>> read_data(make_data(3, 6), 3, 6, 1)
array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 6., 6., 6., 6., 6., 6.],
[ 12., 12., 12., 12., 12., 12.]])
>>> read_data(make_data(3, 6), 3, 6, 4)
array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 0., 1.],
[ 6., 7., 8., 9., 6., 7.],
[ 12., 13., 14., 15., 12., 13.]])
You can add that extra dimension of size 1 to your_array
your_array.reshape(your_array.shape + (1,))
or the equivalent
your_array.reshape(-1, 1)
The same can be achieved with
your_array[..., np.newaxis]
or the equivalent
your_array[..., None]