I hard-coded a data report's DataMember and Datafields (I'm not using a DataEnviroment, and don't know how either. I'd rather code it personally) but the more I check the code, I can't get to solve this thing.
The error message I'm getting is:
Error '8526' Can't find DataField 'Omisions.Date'
in this part of the code:
Just before I do a rpt.Show
at the end of the code. rpt
is my current datareport.
Here's the relevant code:
sql = "Shape {exec Usp_HoraExtra_Rut 1} As Normal " _
& "Append ({exec Usp_HoraExtra_Rut 2} As Omisions " _
& "Relate Nit To Nit)"
rptrs.Open sql, db, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
I'm using two stored procedures instead because of the large queries.
Then I add the DataMember:
.Sections("Section1").Controls.Item("t_fecha").DataMember = "Omisions"
and then the DataFields:
.Sections("Section1").Controls.Item("t_fecha").DataField = "date"
and then:
If anyone can give me a hand, it'd be greatly apreciated.
Edit: typo, cleaned up the code.
For anyone who might read this... I solved this problem by switching from stored procs to views. For some reason SHAPE doesn't work with sotred procs and I refuse to code a big giant SQL query. I just created a view on my database and query'd it.
Also, the connnection string needs changing. All in all, hard nut.