I'm pretty new to Go and there is one thing in my code which I don't understand. I wrote a simple bubblesort algorithm (I know it's not really efficient ;)). Now I want to start 3 GoRoutines. Each thread should sort his array independent from the other ones. When finished, the func. should print a "done"-Message.
Here is my Code:
package main
import (
"time" //for time functions e.g. Now()
"math/rand" //for pseudo random numbers
/* Simple bubblesort algorithm*/
func bubblesort(str string, a []int) []int {
for n:=len(a); n>1; n-- {
for i:=0; i<n-1; i++ {
if a[i] > a[i+1] {
a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i] //swap
fmt.Println(str+" done") //done message
return a
/*fill slice with pseudo numbers*/
func random_fill(a []int) []int {
for i:=0; i<len(a); i++ {
a[i] = rand.Int()
return a
func main() {
rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //set seed for rand.
a1 := make([]int, 34589) //create slice
a2 := make([]int, 42) //create slice
a3 := make([]int, 9999) //create slice
a1 = random_fill(a1) //fill slice
a2 = random_fill(a2) //fill slice
a3 = random_fill(a3) //fill slice
fmt.Println("Slices filled ...")
go bubblesort("Thread 1", a1) //1. Routine Start
go bubblesort("Thread 2", a2) //2. Routine Start
go bubblesort("Thread 3", a3) //3. Routine Start
fmt.Println("Main working ...")
time.Sleep(1*60*1e9) //Wait 1 minute for the "done" messages
This is what I get:
Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 1 done
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done
Should'nt Thread 2 finish first, since his slice is the smallest? It seems that all the threads are waiting for the others to finish, because the "done"-messages appear at the same time, no matter how big the slices are..
Where is my brainbug? =)
Thanks in advance.
*Edit: When putting "time.Sleep(1)" in the for-loop in the bubblesort func. it seems to work.. but I want to clock the duration on different machines with this code (I know, i have to change the random thing), so sleep would falsify the results.
Indeed, there is no garantee regarding the order in which your goroutines will be executed.
However if you force the true parallel processing by explicitly letting 2 processor cores run :
import (
"time" //for time functions e.g. Now()
"math/rand" //for pseudo random numbers
func main() {
rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //set seed for rand.
Then you will get the expected result :
Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done
Thread 1 done
Best regards