I've just started playing around with Node.js and was trying to get Nodejitsu to work on my system (Windows 7, Node version 0.8.15)
I installed Jitsu using the "npm install jitsu -g" command, but beyond that trying to perform jitsu users confirm or deploy returns:
'jitsu' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I understand that I most probably need to add the jitsu install location in my path, but am not sure where jitsu has been installed.
Help much appreciated. Thanks
on a normal Node.js installation on windows you will find the npm modules located at
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin
or in
You need to set up the PATH environment variable to the correct path
An then you will be able to use Nodejitsu :)