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wro4j -- How do you disable aggregation feature in debug mode?

I'm using wildcards to load my javascript and css files and it works great, but it's a pain to work with the aggregated javascript files during the development phase. Is there a way to have wro4j not aggregate the files, but just include them individually?

My wro.xml File

<groups xmlns="">
 <group name="external">

 <group name="application">



  • There is a trick to achieve that in development mode (debug=true). There is an endpoint (/wro/wroAPI/model - this is valid if you are mapping WroFilter to /wro/*) which returns a JSON representation of the model. Using this JSON, you can easily insert scripts and/or css links for a given group by iterating group entries. There is no such widget yet available by default, but if you create one and want to contribute it - you're welcome :).