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How to specify -log parameter in cleartool update command

I am trying to automate updating my clearcase view and build the code in a bat file. I want to run the update command and then check the log to verify its success. For this I want to save the update log in a specified location rather than its default location

Now, cleartool allows you to specify your own log file within the cleartool console

cleartool>update -log pname

but when i use the same as a single command, it doesnt work

D:> cleartool -log pname --------- THIS DOESNT WORK

any ideas?

Thanks RB


  • you need to do (from cleartool update man page):

     cleartool update -log pname /path/to/root/view/directory 

    A cleartool update outside a view won't work.
    A cleartool update with the path of a root view directory will work.

    If you specify that root directory, then you can execute the cleartool update command from any path, including D:\.

    pname ...

    If you do not specify –add_loadrules, this argument specifies the files and directories to update.
    All specified directories, including the root directory of the snapshot view, are updated recursively.