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How to use dynamic names in a column definition list?

I query the Postgres database to get statistics for the 4 last years.
However, I cannot figure out the correct syntax to replace the hard-coded date in the AS part of the query with a function (the column definition list).

Say: date_part('year',current_date)-1 instead of "2012"

SELECT * FROM crosstab('
SELECT client,date_part (''year'',date) as SalesDate
       ,Sum(total)::integer AS Synthese
FROM statistic
WHERE date_part(''year'',date)>date_part(''year'',current_date)-5
AND date_part(''year'',date)<date_part(''year'',current_date)
GROUP BY client,SalesDate
ORDER BY 1,2',
AS ( client text, "2009" text, "2010" text , "2011" text, "2012" text);


  • Answer

    A principle of SQL: You can provide values dynamically, but identifiers are static.

    The outer call is a basic SQL statement, the column definition list consists of identifiers, not values. (That's why you are forced to double-quote your otherwise illegal identifiers starting with a digit.) Therefore, you cannot use a function call in this place. Just not possible.

    Possible workaround

    You could create a PL/pgSQL function that returns a polymorphic composite type and hand in a parameter of a well defined composite type, which also carries column names. But that's highly advanced stuff. You need to be up to speed with PL/pgSQL for this. See:

    Since you need a well-defined composite type you'd have to create a type before calling the function this way. Or just create a temporary table (that provides a type automatically). You could automate this with a DO statement that uses dynamic SQL to derive column names from the current date ...
    I never said it was simple, but it's possible.

    Base query

    In the meanwhile, your crosstab() query could be improved:

    SELECT *
    FROM   crosstab(
        SELECT client
             , date_part ('year', date) AS salesdate
             , sum(total)::int AS synthese
        FROM   statistic
        WHERE  date >= date_trunc('year', now()) - interval '5y'
        AND    date <  date_trunc('year', now())
        GROUP  BY 1,2
        ORDER  BY 1,2
            (date_part('year', now()) - 4)
          , (date_part('year', now()) - 3)
          , (date_part('year', now()) - 2)
          , (date_part('year', now()) - 1)
        ) AS c(client text, "2009" text, "2010" text, "2011" text, "2012" text);

    The rest is a matter of taste and style.