I would like to commit a file with a custom date.
So far I've created a Commit object, but I don't understand how to bind it to a repo.
from git import *
repo = Repo('path/to/repo')
comm = Commit(repo=repo, binsha=repo.head.commit.binsha, tree=repo.index.write_tree(), message='Test Message', committed_date=1357020000)
Well I found the solution.
I wasn't aware, but I had to provide all the parameters otherwise the Commit object would throw a BadObject exception when trying to serialize it.
from git import *
from time import (time, altzone)
import datetime
from cStringIO import StringIO
from gitdb import IStream
repo = Repo('path/to/repo')
message = 'Commit message'
tree = repo.index.write_tree()
parents = [ repo.head.commit ]
# Committer and Author
cr = repo.config_reader()
committer = Actor.committer(cr)
author = Actor.author(cr)
# Custom Date
time = int(datetime.date(2013, 1, 1).strftime('%s'))
offset = altzone
author_time, author_offset = time, offset
committer_time, committer_offset = time, offset
# UTF-8 Default
conf_encoding = 'UTF-8'
comm = Commit(repo, Commit.NULL_BIN_SHA, tree,
author, author_time, author_offset,
committer, committer_time, committer_offset,
message, parents, conf_encoding)
After creating the commit object, a proper SHA had to be placed, I didn't have a clue how this was done, but a little bit of research in the guts of GitPython source code got me the answer.
stream = StringIO()
streamlen = stream.tell()
istream = repo.odb.store(IStream(Commit.type, streamlen, stream))
new_commit.binsha = istream.binsha
Then set the commit as the HEAD commit
repo.head.set_commit(new_commit, logmsg="commit: %s" % message)