Google Maps API v2 for Android released on 3th December.
Is there any possibility to add it into Mono for Android?
I tried the guide suggested by TheNextman, but wasn't able to make it work, so after several hours I managed to make it work using the following steps:
Download the latest sample Projects from Xamarin's Github page.
Open monodroid-samples\MapsAndLocationDemo_v2\MapsAndLocationDemo.sln on MonoDevelop
Open the Android SDK Manager and download "Google Play Services" from the Extras section
Copy \extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib to monodroid-samples\MapsAndLocationDemo_v2\
Open a command prompt and cd to monodroid-samples\MapsAndLocationDemo_v2\google-play-services_lib
Type the following two commands:
android update project -p .
ant debug
Now on MonoDevelop Add the file google-play-services_lib/ to the GooglePlayServices project as a linked file
Now create a Google Maps API key . Two things to keep in mind though:
The default location of the debug keystore when using MonoDroid is :
Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8: C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\debug.keystore OSX : /Users/[USERNAME]/.local/share/Xamarin/Mono for Android/debug.keystore
You can find the package name on the MapsAndLocationDemo/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml file in the manifest tag.
If you are deplyoing to a real device then that is all, if you are deploying on the emulator keep reading
Create a new AVD with this setup: Platform: 4.1.2 CPU: ARM Leave the default options for the rest of parameters
Grab the vending.apk ( and the gms.apk ( from a real device (Look at the end of this post for more details)
Start the emulator you just created and then open a command prompt and cd to the folder where you downloaded the APKs
adb -e install vending.apk adb -e install gms.apk
(2) This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services (via Bazaar) Check danbrough's comment. If possible extract the two APKs and from a rooted Device to get an updated version of the library.