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Achieving "punch out" text using Graphics2D

I'm trying to create a Punch Out effect on a Graphics2D render.

I have a rectangle colored black. Text Colored Red. I want to be able to set the color to 0x00FF0000 and have it "punch out" of the back ground.

    Graphics2D newG = (Graphics2D)g.create();
    newG.setColor(new Color(0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF)); //255 Alpha
    newG.fillRect(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);

    newG.setColor(new Color(0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00)); //0 Alpha
    newG.drawString("Welcome", box.x ,box.y);

What I see is the text goes completely transparent against the back ground, but does not punch out.

What I see:

What I expected to see :

How can I achieve the 'punch out' effect using Graphics2D?

EDIT: Punch-Out Effect is like using a JLabel with a foreground set to 0x00FF0000, and a Back Ground 0xFF000000. it "cuts out"/"Punches Out" the text from the back ground. Also I do not want it to always punch out, only when alpha is 0.

EDIT2: Ive tried the sugested code below with identical results.

Rectangle stringBox = new Rectangle(x, y - fm.getHeight() + fm.getDescent(), fm.stringWidth(splitStr[i]), fm.getHeight());

TextLayout textLO = new TextLayout(splitStr[i], newG.getFont(), newG.getFontRenderContext());
 Shape sText = textLO.getOutline(newG.getTransform());      // The Shape of text
Path2D.Double shape = new Path2D.Double(stringBox);     // The rectangle
appendTextShape(shape, sText, newG.getTransform(), 0, 10);
newG.setColor(new Color(0xFF, 0x00,0x00,0x00));
newG.drawString(splitStr[i], x, y);



    Properly setting up composition was the solution. SRC_IN was the composition i was looking for.