I've been trying to install jpgraph to my hostgator website but there's a problem somewhere which I can't figure out. There's a few things which are causing me to think the problem could be in several places;
first, when unpacking the file to my desktop ready to put into the server I get an error of 'The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder', for this I just click continue and it seems to be OK.
This unpacks the folders which I rename to jpgraph as per the example FAQ on http://jpgraph.net/download/manuals/chunkhtml/ch02.html#id2475509
second, when I look at the examples the original code is [code]require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
though the file structure is such that it should be jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php though even when I update the file structre the file doesn't work.
Third, I noticed when looking at different files some of the file structures reference jpgraph 3.xxx(version)/jpgraph.php but others use the short form jpgraph/jpgraph.php
I can't find any reasonable installation (see:Any) installation tutorials from youtube and the other thread on SO wasn't very helpful as it was solved in the background.
From your comment it looks like your php script just cannot find the jpgraph scripts, p.e. wrong path.
Try something like this, if you're using jpgraph as the graph lib of your choice:
$jpgraph_dir = '/your/path/to/your/jpgraph/';
require_once($jpgraph_dir . 'src/jpgraph.php');
If you still receive this error message, your path is just wrong.