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NSButton subclass as colorwell & preventing NSColorPanel from touching the first responder

I followed some examples for making an NSButton subclass work as an NSColorWell (since our NSButton subclass already gives us the appearance behavior we need), however I've noticed that after using the button to invoke the panel and changing the color, it's also changing the color of selected text in our document. If I instead subclassed NSColorWell with our appearance customizations, would it not have this problem?

However, I'm still hoping for a work-around that avoids that & still lets us use our button subclass. I've seen discussion threads suggest letting the button itself become the first responder, however with the button being in a separate palette I'm having trouble getting this to work. Also I'd prefer not to alter the responder chain or have the palette become the key window. How evil would a category on NSColorPanel be that overrode setColor:, making it post the expected notification but not touch the first responder?

(Note, rather than simply opening the color panel, I'm currently making use of BFColorPickerPopover by DrummerB However I don't think that's much of a complication. I had the same NSColorPanel / first responder issue before integrating it).

Was asked to post source code, so here's the relevant bits from my NSButton subclass (note, uses the picker popover mentioned above rather than NSColorPanel directly):


@interface ...
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSColor *color;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL active;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSColor *buttonColor;
@property (nonatomic, weak) BFColorPickerPopover *popover;
- (void)activate:(BOOL)exclusive; // param ignored, always exclusive
- (void)activate;
- (void)deactivate;
- (void)takeColorFrom:(id)sender;


@implementation ...
@dynamic color;
- (NSColor *)color
    return self.buttonColor;
- (void)setColor:(NSColor *)newColor
    self.buttonColor = newColor;
    [self generateSwatch];
    self.needsDisplay = YES;
    self.popover.color = newColor;
- (void)activate:(BOOL)exclusive
    [self activate]; // always exclusive
- (void)activate
    self.popover = [BFColorPickerPopover sharedPopover];
    self.popover.color = self.buttonColor;
    [self.popover showRelativeToRect:self.frame ofView:self.superview
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
    activeButton = self; = YES;
- (void)deactivate
    if (self.popover)
        [self.popover close];
        self.popover = nil;
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
           name:NSPopoverDidCloseNotification object:self.popover];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
    if (activeButton == self) activeButton = nil; = NO;
- (void)popoverDidClose:(NSNotification *)notification
    self.popover = nil; // don't let deactivate ask it to close again
    [self deactivate];
- (void)colorDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
    self.buttonColor = self.popover.colorPanel.color;
    [self generateSwatch];
    self.needsDisplay = YES;
    [self sendAction:self.action];
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    if (self.isEnabled && !
        [self activate];
    else if (
        [self deactivate];
- (void)takeColorFrom:(id)sender
    if ([sender respondsToSelector:@selector(color)])
        self.color = [sender color];


I tried using a normal NSColorWell in place of my NSButton subclass, and same issue. Colors chosen in the panel calls the first responder's changeColor: in addition to invoking the action method. So forgetting everything about NSButton in my question, how, in general, does one use a NSColorWell whose color mustn't also be pushed onto the first responder? Must one resort to customizing the expected first responder to selectively ignore changeColor:, or is making the NSColorWell the first responder really the thing to do, or something else?


  • Yes, a better web search term (NSColorWell "first responder") and I see others have struggled with NSColorWell and this same problem for a long time. Many old mailing list threads have covered this and saw 3 solutions:

    1. Douglas Davidson suggests subclassing the potential first responder(s) so they ignore changeColor: (probably what I'll do)

    2. Guy English suggests making the color well the first responder temporarily (what I tried but had problems due to color well being in a panel which I don't want becoming key)

    3. Martin suggests cutting preventing the changeColor: call in the first place by posing as NSColorPanel and overriding a private method (closest to what I wanted, but more risk of app store rejection than I'm comfortable with)

    UPDATE: I tried #1 but it turns out I can't override the first responder (WebView / WebHTMLView grrr). Going with #3, I put the following in a NSColorPanel category, made my color button set panel.avoidsChangingFirstResponder=YES, and it seems to work:

    static char changeColorPatchAssociatedObjectKey; // address of this is used as a unique runtime value
    - (BOOL)avoidsChangingFirstResponder
        NSNumber *changeColorPatchFlag = (NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &changeColorPatchAssociatedObjectKey);
        return changeColorPatchFlag && changeColorPatchFlag.boolValue;
    - (void)setAvoidsChangingFirstResponder:(BOOL)enablePatch
        NSNumber *changeColorPatchFlag = (NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &changeColorPatchAssociatedObjectKey);
        if ((!changeColorPatchFlag && enablePatch) || (changeColorPatchFlag && changeColorPatchFlag.boolValue != enablePatch))
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &changeColorPatchAssociatedObjectKey, @( enablePatch ), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
    + (void)load
        if (self == [NSColorPanel class])
            // patch implementation of _forceSendAction:notification:firstResponder: (use swizzle technique from MAKVONotificationCenter.m)
            // for one that calls original but with the last BOOL parameter conditionally changed to NO
            SEL methodSel = NSSelectorFromString(@"_forceSendAction:notification:firstResponder:");
            Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(self, methodSel);
            IMP origImpl = method_getImplementation(method);
            IMP newImpl = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(void *obj, SEL s, BOOL isAct, BOOL isNotif, BOOL isFirstResp) {
                NSNumber *changeColorPatchFlag = (NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject((__bridge id)(obj), &changeColorPatchAssociatedObjectKey);
                if (changeColorPatchFlag && changeColorPatchFlag.boolValue)
                    isFirstResp = NO;
                ((void (*)(void *, SEL, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL))origImpl)(obj, s, isAct, isNotif, isFirstResp);
            class_replaceMethod(self, methodSel, newImpl, method_getTypeEncoding(method));

    I hope someone else finds this useful.