Since the below got a bit long: Here's the tl;dr; version: Is there an existing key/value best-practice for fast key and value lookup, something like a hash-based set with persistent indices?
I'm interested in the world of key-value databases and have so far failed to figure out how one would efficiently implement the following use-case:
Assume we want to serialize some data and reference them somewhere else by a persistent, unique integer index. Thus e.g.: Key = unsigned int, Value = MyData.
The database should have fast key lookup and ensure that MyData is unique.
Now, when I insert a new value into my the database, I could assign it a new index key, e.g. the current size of the database or to prevent clashes after removing items, I could keep some counter externally.
But how would I ensure that I do not insert the same MyData value into my database? So far, it looks to me as if this is not efficiently possible with key-value databases - is this correct? I.e. I do not want to iterate over the whole database just to ensure MyData value is not in there already...
What is the best pratice to implement this, then?
For background: I work on KDevelop where we use the above for our code analysis cache. We actually have a custom implementation of the above use-case 1. Search for Bucket and ItemRepository if you are interested in the internals, and see 2 for an examplatory usage of the ItemRepository.
But you will probably agree, that this code is quite hard to understand and thus hard to maintain. I want to compare its performance to alternative solutions which might result in simpler code - but only if it does not incur a severe performance penalty. Considering the hype around the performance of key-value storages such as OpenLDAP MDB, Kyoto Cabinet and LevelDB, this is where I wanted to start.
What we have in KDevelop - as far as I figured out - is basically a sort of hybrid on-disk/in-memory hash map which gets saved to disk periodically (which of course can result in major data corruption in case of crashes etc.). Items are stored in a location based on their hash value which then of course also allows relatively fast value lookups as long as the hash function is fast. The added twist is that you also get some sort of persistent database index which can be used to lookup the items quite efficiently.
So - long story short - how would one do that with a key/value database such as LevelDB, Kyoto Cabinet, OpenLDAP MDB - you name it?
Sounds like you want to do what OpenLDAP does with its Equality index. Perhaps this is the same as the OrientDB example, I didn't read it.
The main table is indexed by a monotonically increasing integer key (called the entryID), and stores the data value. The equality index is indexed by a hash of the value, and stores a list of entryIDs that match the hash. Since the hash might have collisions, just the existence of an entry in the equality index doesn't prove uniqueness or duplication. You still need to check the actual values.
A faster/simpler approach, if you're using MDB, BDB, or some other database that supports duplicate keys, is to just keep one table, using the hash as the key. In both MDB and BDB there is a GET_BOTH request which matches both the key and the data to perform a fetch. If it succeeds then you know for certain that the value already exists. Otherwise, it allows you to save whatever data values and not worry whether or not there are hash collisions.
A caveat here, in MDB using duplicate keys, the size of the values is limited to less than one half of a disk page.