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Windows phone Indoor Augmented Reality

I need to make an aplication for windows phone that uses augmented reality inside a building. It's just for one building. Can anyone tell me if is that even possible, because is indoors and GPS wont work. I'm thinking on doing a Matrix were i put manualy all divisions and points of interest and so on (i will need to apply dijstrka or A* so the matrix is needed anyway). But how can i navigate and use AR with that matrix in windows phone? Is it possible? If so can anyone provide some tutorial or sample? Or some clues to get me in the right direction.

Thank you all in advance


  • I've written quite a few AR apps for WP. There are one major problems with this: to do AR on such a small scale, points of interest within such a small area like a building requires very high accuracy for both location and orientation to be useful. As you say your GPS isn't really working inside and even if it did on that scale you need at least accuracy down to ~1 foot. Secondary you need pretty accurate angular precision, but again the motion sensor in the phone isn't that accurate even in an outside environment. It gets way worse inside a building because the metal in the construction can significantly offset the compass (I often see errors >90° inside). so unless you find some external location and orientation sensor that can work at that accuracy inside, I would say its not possible to make anything that's really useful.

    I do have an article how to at least do AR rendering on a windows phone at my blog but again I wouldn't expect that great a result in your case.