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best practice(s) for singular word or plural words?

This is about best practices in general, not specific for a single language, database or whatever

We all have to deal with generated output where you can be reporting "one products" or "two product". Doesn't read very well... Some just solve this by using "one product(s)" or "number of products: (1)" and others might have other solutions.

Things could be even more complex in different spoken languages! In French, when you have zero products, you would use the singular form, not the plural form! (Zero product) Other languages (Chinese, Japanese) might even lack these grammatical differences or have more than two different words to indicate something about the number of products. (A plural and a greater plural, for example.)

But to keep this simple, let's focus on the languages that have both singular and plural words.

When setting up a new project, which also has to generate reports, how do you deal with singular and plural words? Do you add two name fields in your database for singular and plural form? Do you add additional rules in the code to transform words from singular to plural? Do you use other tricks?

When working on a project that needs to track singular and plural forms, how do you deal with this?


  • I'd recommend taking a look at gettext in general and ngettext in particular. Maybe even if you're not going to translate your application. Just head to this part of the documentation. It has implementation for more or less all languages and even if your language of choice lacks this support, nothing stops you from borrowing the ideas.