I'm building a project with multiple SVN repositories. Using the Email-ext plugin to email when a job is successfull or failed.
When I use the token ${SVN_REVISION} all I get is the number 400, which isn't the build number nor any of the repositories' revision number.
What I want to use is the same variable the svn plugin provides: %SVN_REVISION_1%, but neither ${ENV, var="SVN_REVISION_1"} nor ${ENV, var="%SVN_REVISION_1%"} work.
Also, when I list the variables (${ENV, var=""}) I can't find SVN_REVISION or SVN_REVISION_1.
The email needs to have SVN_REVISION_1 on the subject, or else it'll be quite a hassle to find what version was built.
Are there any workarounds?
${ENV, var="SVN_REVISION_1"} does work. I was trying to force the email by aborting the build. If the build is aborted too soon, SVN_REVISION_1 is never created.