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File_exist returning false all the time on Symfony 2

Im trying to check if a file exist on my /uploads folder of symfony 2.

    $file = $this->getAssetUrl('/uploads/hd/'.$gift->getImage());
     if(file_exists($file)) return $this->getAssetUrl('/uploads/hd/'.$gift->getImage());
     else return $this->getAssetUrl('/uploads/large/'.$gift->getImage());

This is always returning false, i debugged all the strings and the paths are correct, checked by hand that the file exist. Any ideas?


  • getAssetUrl will only print the URI of whatever resource it is you're printing, not the actual location.

    If you placed your project at /var/www/myProject, the path file_exists expects is /var/www/myProject/web/uploads/hd/, but it will only get /uploads/hd. It'll look for a folder called "uploads" in your root directory. The first slash ("/") means "system root dir" for PHP, while it means "root URI" for your browser.

    I believe if (file_exists($this->get('request')->getBasePath() . "/uploads/hd/" . $gift->getImage())) should do the trick.