Well I require your assistance because I can't seem to find a way to make
QtConcurrent::map work with my static function and my sequence of elements. Here is what I'm trying to do:
I want to run this function :
static void meta_engine_recursive(Node* node,OutputNode* output,Row *row);
On this set of elements:
QList<Row*> tasks;
Here is what I do for the call to map , but the compiler doesn't like it...I can't find the correct syntax even after reading all the boost & Qt documentation !
QFuture<void> future= QtConcurrent::map(tasks,
Ps: obviously this is C++
Also , please don't mind the boost::ref calls, I was just playing around with it. What I want to resolve is the call to map with the good parameters
Thanks for your help
nevermind I didn't do the correct parenthesing and the extra (row) at the end wasn't necessary. Here is the final call :
QFuture<void> future= QtConcurrent::map(tasks,