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How to get the inserted row autoincrement id?

In C# + SQL Server ExecuteScalar() not returning last inserted id I found a nice solution to get the inserted row autoincrement id. So now my query looks just like:

INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable(Col1, Col2, ..., ColN)   
OUTPUT Inserted.ID
VALUES(Val1, Val2, ..., ValN);

But unfortunately I am on SQL Server 2000 and this syntax is not available.

What can I use there to achieve the same result?


  • You can use @@IDENTITY in Sql Server 2000

    However you need to be aware of the limitations (which were overcome by SCOPE_IDENTITY). See this article for an explanation


    MSDN says that SCOPE_IDENTITY is avaiable in SS2000, so I recomment that you use it instead.

    You can get the value by executing SET @<var> = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    This link has some more examples of how to use SCOPE_IDENTITY