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Multiline messages in chainsaw

I'm using chainsaw 2.1.0 snapshot from
I was able to set it up to parse a log file, but it always splits multiline messages into multiple one-line messages (including all the other fields into the first message)
How can I make it parse multiline messages correctly? Is there any workaround or alternative?

Edit: a few lines from the file:

[<proceed>(2)] INFO 2013-01-16 05:04:23,728 ::: Negotiating TLS :::
[<proceed>(2)] INFO 2013-01-16 05:04:23,729 ::: Using SSL version: 3 :::
[<proceed>(2)] DEBUG 2013-01-16 05:04:23,838 ::: CERT: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

and the log format is "[NDC] LEVEL TIMESTAMP FILE:METHOD:LINE ::: MESSAGE :::"
(I attempted to put unique separators before and after the message to help with parsing)


  • Try setting 'appendNonMatches' to false in the receiver configuration.

    If that doesn't work, provide a few lines of your log file (a mix of single and multi-lines) and I can tell you what you need to do configuration-wise.

    It might be a bug too, will have to see.

    A few notes after your responses:

    • AppendNonMatches=false is probably ok if you are using a single logging framework/layout (not randomly embedding printf-style output)..but..missed matches are dropped on the floor with this set to false, so beware..
    • I've never bothered testing with an end delimiter for the message - it is pretty much required that the message is the last field in the log message, because of the potential variability of the content in the message field.
    • If you have multiple lines starting with: (tab)at - those fields should be converted into to the throwable field.