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Redis works on console, but fails in application

I'm using Redis with split gem in a RoR application hosted on Heroku.

I've configured it with RedisToGo using the following codes:


uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] || "redis://localhost:6379/" )
REDIS = =>, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password)


config.gem 'redis' 

When I try to


on Heroku console, it works fine. It shows Redis ToGo address.

However, when I try to load the application I get the following error:

Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - Unable to connect to Redis on localhost:6379

Howcome REDIS is responding correctly, with correct address in Heroku console, but it shows localhost address when the application calls it?


  • I was able to fix it, and I'll let the solution registered:

    I wasn't initializing Split.redis, and therefore it was trying to create a default Redis, which has localhost as host.

    So I created the following initializer


    Split.redis = REDIS

    and then Split could find it!