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Using the result of subquery to update a table also referred to in the subquery

I'm trying to fix an incomplete database where I don't have control over the schema and I need to find missing entries and insert them.

This is syntax I've arrived at:

  downloads (product_id, filename)
  products_id = ( SELECT id
         FROM products 
         WHERE id NOT IN
           ( SELECT product_id
             FROM downloads
  filename = ''

The subquery works fine alone but the above throws an error

#1093 - You can't specify target table 'download' for update in FROM clause

I've reviewed many of the StackOverflow questions related to this error (like this), and I gather that there is a way to nest a subquery such that it "creates an implicit temporary table, so it doesn't count as the same table you're updating" but I haven't been able to adapt it.

If my approach is inefficient that's OK, I'm very curious to see a solution that get's close to my syntax but any solution would be helpful.


  • Things to do,

    • use INSERT...INTO SELECT statement
    • use LEFT JOIN instead of NOT IN
    • don't forget to add index on this columns: products.ID and downloads.product_id for faster performance


    INSERT INTO  downloads (product_id, filename)
    SELECT AS product_id, '' AS filename
    FROM    products a
            LEFT JOIN downloads b
                ON a.ID = b.product_id
    WHERE   b.product_id IS NULL