My Flex 3 application has some modal dialogs displayed via the PopUpManager, but there are times when I'd like other view components to know there is popup displayed. The PopUpManager doesn't have any method for actually checking the existence of popups. Is there any other way to detect this in flash/flex without writing my own global manager?
(also systemManager.popUpChildren.numChildren == 0 even when there's a modal popup)
I think it depends on the way you are adding the popup, check the documentation :
create or add popup takes four parameters and fourth parameter is a child list
childList:String (default = null) — The child list in which to add the popup. One of PopUpManagerChildList.APPLICATION, PopUpManagerChildList.POPUP, or PopUpManagerChildList.PARENT (default).
So try adding all the popup's to a particular child-list and then play around with the size of the list.