I have a problem with fps while using particles. In game I have coins which uses particles.
I have tested my application on iPhone 3gs, 4, 4s, 5 and on iPad 3. FPS goes down to 30-35 on 3GS and iPhone 4. But when I stop using particles FPS goes to 50-60.
I used also CCParticleBatchNode but didn't help :(
The code I used with batchNode:
CCParticleBatchNode *batchNodeParticle = [CCParticleBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:@"image.png"];
CCParticleSystemQuad *particles = [CCParticleSystemQuad particleWithFile:@"particles.plist"];
[batchNodeParticle addChild:particles];
[self addChild:batchNodeParticle];
Any suggestions?
Thanks and sorry for bad english.
Particle effects are very easy to use performance killers. Here are a few suggestions: