I have the following code to listen to the wifi connect/disconnect events using the managedWifi api (http://managedwifi.codeplex.com/)
public void wlanConnectionChangeHandler(Wlan.WlanNotificationData notifyData, Wlan.WlanConnectionNotificationData connNotifyData){
string msg = String.Empty;
switch (notifyData.notificationSource)
case Wlan.WlanNotificationSource.ACM:
switch ((Wlan.WlanNotificationCodeAcm)notifyData.notificationCode)
case Wlan.WlanNotificationCodeAcm.ConnectionStart:
msg = "ConnectionStart";
case Wlan.WlanNotificationCodeAcm.ConnectionComplete:
msg = "ConnectionComplete";
WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
Wlan.WlanAssociationAttributes conAttributes = wlanIface.CurrentConnection.wlanAssociationAttributes;
Wlan.Dot11Ssid ssid = conAttributes.dot11Ssid;
PhysicalAddress bssid = conAttributes.Dot11Bssid;
int rssi = wlanIface.RSSI;
msg += ". ssid: " + GetStringForSSID(ssid) + ". rssi: " + rssi.ToString() + ". MAC: " + bssid.ToString();
case Wlan.WlanNotificationCodeAcm.Disconnecting:
msg = "Disconnecting";
case Wlan.WlanNotificationCodeAcm.Disconnected:
msg = "Disconnected";
msg = "unknown notificationCode =" + notifyData.notificationCode;
MessageBox.Show(msg + " for profile:" + connNotifyData.profileName);
//MessageBox.Show("irrelevant notification. Ignore");
static string GetStringForSSID(Wlan.Dot11Ssid ssid)
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString( ssid.SSID, 0, (int) ssid.SSIDLength );
private void registerWlanListener()
WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
string str = "Name=" + wlanIface.InterfaceName + ". State: ";
switch (wlanIface.InterfaceState)
case Wlan.WlanInterfaceState.NotReady:
str += "NotReady";
case Wlan.WlanInterfaceState.Disconnected:
str += "Disconnected";
case Wlan.WlanInterfaceState.Disconnecting:
str += "Disconnecting";
case Wlan.WlanInterfaceState.Connected:
str += "Connected";
wlanIface.WlanConnectionNotification += wlanConnectionChangeHandler;
MessageBox.Show(str + ". Listener registered");
private void unregisterWlanListener()
WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
wlanIface.WlanConnectionNotification -= wlanConnectionChangeHandler;
MessageBox.Show(wlanIface.InterfaceName + ". Listener unregistered");
At the start, i call registerWlanListener, and before stopping my app, i call unregisterWlanListener(). I've tested my desktop app on win7 as well as win8 tablet by connecting/disconnecting the wifi connection many times and try to observe the notifications. These are the issues on both platforms:
Most of the time, my wlanConnectionChangeHandler gets called on the wifi connect/disconnect and everything works fine. However, on some occasions, it doesn't get called at all. What can lead to this? I notice that after the initial missed notification, i can't receive any further notification at all even if i continue to connect/disconnect the wifi connection.
On separate occasions, even though I've removed the event handler, i still receive notifications. Am I missing something in removing these event handler?
Thank you.
Obviously i wasn't thinking clearly when i was coding this. The issue is the local scope of my WlanClient client. Fixed it by making it a global var and only instantiate it once. /facepalm