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Check if Thickbox is open

I'm using WP and I use the Thickbox to upload images in the back end on a custom page.

Is there a way for JS to check to see if the Thickbox is open?

I need to check this as I have an onbeforeunload event (to show a warning when the user leaves the page, in certain situations), but obviously Idon't want the warning shown when the user is just navigating between Thickbox pages. Thanks.

Code I currently use -

var bol_submit_clicked = false;
    bol_submit_clicked = true;

window.onbeforeunload = function closeEditorWarning(){

    var bol_option_changed = false;

    /** Check to see if the settings warning is displayed */
    if($('#unsaved-settings').css('display') !== 'none'){
        bol_option_changed = true;

    /** Display a warning if the user is trying to leave the page with unsaved settings */
    if(bol_option_changed === true && bol_submit_clicked === false){
        return '';



  • There's no inherent function in Thickbox to check, but looking at the code, you should just be able to check for the presence and visibility of #TB_window:

    var thickbox_shown = ($('#TB_window').is(':visible')) ? true : false;

    Or, try counting the length of #TB_load:

    var thickbox_shown = ($('#TB_load').length > 0) ? true : false;\