I have a thread which will call many of my interface functions.. When it call I need to do some GUI action, As I aware GUI need to be done in main thread, still now I was using
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Some method call...
It works fine for most of the cases, still I am facing problem here.. for e.g... my interface function is like below...
void interface_fun(char *name, int user_id) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
gui_acton_with_name(name, user_id);
Now the name pointer is most of the time I got nil within dispatch call(I guess I am loosing data here), I tried with performselectoronMainthread method.. But I don't know how to use this with multiple parameter..
Any idea thanks..
I'm posting this as an answer because it's too hard to put this into a comment, but if you use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
you can wrap your two bits of information into a dictionary (or an array, but a dictionary works better because you can access the information by name):
NSDictionary *info = @{ @"name" : @(name), @"user_id", @(user_id) };
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(someMethod:) withObject:info waitUntilDone:NO];
And then in your method (iOS 6 only unless you revert to oldschool objectForKey:
- (void) someMethod:(NSDictionary *) info
NSString *name = info[@"name"];
NSNumber *user_id = info[@"user_id"];
// unbox name and user_id if necessary