I am new to CherryPy. I am using the default dispatcher, with a URL structure similar to this:
root = Root()
root.page1 = Page1()
root.page1.apple = Apple()
root.page2 = Page2()
root.page2.orange = Orange()
renders a template, in which I need a link to Apple
. I could just hardcode /page1/apple/
. But how can I get the URL of Apple
in a DRY manner?
Can this be done with the default dispatcher in CherryPy, or is it only possible with the Routes dispatcher?
(I am coming from the Django world, where one would use reverse()
for this purpose.)
You can access to the mounted apps through
is always the mounted instance to the mount point. So a reverse function would look like:
def reverse(cls):
# get link to a class type
for app_url in cherrypy.tree.apps.keys():
if isinstance(cherrypy.tree.apps[app_url].root, cls):
# NOTE: it will return with the first mount point of this class
return app_url
Please find a sample code below that uses your classes. http://localhost:8080/page4/orange/
prints out { Orange and the link to apple: : "/page3/apple" }
import cherrypy
link_to_apple_global = ''
class Orange(object):
def __init__(self):
def index(self):
return {"Orange and the link to apple: ": link_to_apple_global}
class Page2(object):
def __init__(self):
def index(self):
return "Page2"
class Apple(object):
def __init__(self):
def index(self):
return "Apple"
class Page1(object):
def __init__(self):
def index(self):
return "Page1"
class Root(object):
def __init__(self):
def index(self):
return "Root"
def reverse(cls):
#return cherrypy.tree.apps.keys()
#return dir(cherrypy.tree.apps[''].root)
#return dir(cherrypy.tree.apps['/page3/apple'].root)
# get link to apple
for app_url in cherrypy.tree.apps.keys():
if isinstance(cherrypy.tree.apps[app_url].root, cls):
# NOTE: it will return with the first instance
return app_url
root = Root()
root.page1 = Page1()
root.page1.apple = Apple()
root.page2 = Page2()
root.page2.orange = Orange()
cherrypy.tree.mount(root, '/')
# if you do not specify the mount points you can find the objects
# in cherrypy.tree.apps[''].root...
cherrypy.tree.mount(root.page1, '/page4')
cherrypy.tree.mount(root.page2, '/page3')
cherrypy.tree.mount(root.page2.orange, '/page4/orange')
cherrypy.tree.mount(root.page1.apple, '/page3/apple')
link_to_apple_global = reverse(Apple)