Search code examples

Mysql Get Rank with Filters

I Have a marksheet table like:

ID  STUDENT_ID  Branch_id   Class_id    Exam_id Subject_id  Numbers     Date
1       653         5           1           1   8               60      2012-01-01
2       653         5           1           1   9               40      2012-01-01
3       653         5           1           1   10              80      2012-01-01
4       653         5           1           1   11              50      2012-01-01
5       653         5           1           1   12              65      2012-01-01
6       653         5           1           1   13              33      2012-01-01
7       653         5           1           1   15              86      2012-01-01
8       222         5           1           1   8               100     2012-01-01
9       222         5           1           1   9               80      2012-01-01
10      222         5           1           1   10              92      2012-01-01
11      222         5           1           1   11              50      2012-01-01
12      222         5           1           1   12              65      2012-01-01
13      222         5           1           1   13              33      2012-01-01
7       222         5           1           1   15              86      2012-01-01

I need to know the rank of student if one or more student equal in rank. and filter with branc and class id.

Can any one help me?


  • Try this:

    SELECT STUDENT_ID, Numbers, IF(@marks=(@marks:=Numbers), @auto, @auto:=@auto+1) rank 
    FROM (SELECT STUDENT_ID, Branch_id, Class_id, SUM(Numbers) Numbers
          FROM quiz_user 
          ORDER BY Numbers DESC, STUDENT_ID 
         ) AS A, (SELECT @auto:=0, @marks:=0) AS B
    WHERE Branch_id = 5 AND Class_id = 1;